Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Gender and Toys Fence

Here it is, another Black Friday has come and gone and now we are full swing into holiday shopping madness.  And of course, there is the toy shopping for the kids in my life.  Here is one time I know for sure which side of the fence I am on.  I am on the side of the fence that wishes that toys were more equal, or that girls could be seen as just as capable as boys.  As I look through ads and troll websites for the perfect play toys for my daughter, I notice that the toys for her brothers are so much - well, smarter!  I mean if I were to just look at toys I would think that all little girls are capable of is dressing up, playing with hair and make-up and cooking!  Is that really the message we want our daughters believing?  Oh, yes I'm sorry, they came up with Legos for girls - frilly things, pink and purply with little girl lego people.  But here's where I have issue - there is almost nothing to actually build!  My daughter put a few pieces together for a pool and then had a ton of accessories to put around said pool.  She said to me - mommy where are the legos to build like big brother?  She at 5, was asking the very same question I wondered.  Do girls really not want to build, or is it that society is telling them, don't build it, just decorate it!
I remember walking the aisles at the local toy store in search of a birthday gift for her.  Aisles and aisles of dolls, dress up stuff (including make-up), and cooking paraphernalia.  So if she wants to play, she can dress-up, cook, clean or decorate.  So I came home to find this little gem online- it's called Goldieblox and it is a genius idea!  An engineer has combined a girls love of reading, pink and engineering! I'm hoping that we skip the Barbie phase in this house and that more toys like Goldiblox make it to shelves!

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